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Ho So: 844186 Dang Ky Ho So Sua Chua Ho So Xem Thu Tu Tim Kiem Ho So Bao Cao Ho So Xau Trang Chinh

 VietWhiteHot - ID: 844186
 Ten:  VietWhiteHot
 IP va Ngay: on August 9, 2009 at 2:33pm
 Sua Chua Ngay:  August 17, 2011 at 9:19am
 Gioi Tinh:  Nu
 Tuoi:  22
 Chieu Cao:  5 Feet 3 Inches (160 cm)
 Can Nang:  100 lbs (46 kg)
 Than Hinh:  Average
 Tu Thanh Pho:  An Angel
 Tieu Bang:  California
 Zip:  00000
 Dat Nuoc:  United States
 Ton Giao:  No Religion
 Hoc Van:  Some college
 Nghe Nghiep:  student
 Hut Thuoc:  Non-smoker
 Uong Ruou:  Not drink at all
 Gia Canh: Single
 Muc Tieu:  World Peace
 Gio Ranh Roi:  If u r willing to spend time to read all of the information below then you will be the MASTER. My father is Viet and my mom is White. Good Mix right :)
 Toi La:  Please Read Below:
 Tim Kiem:  Rules of Picking Up Girls (remember you live only once; also 2012 is coming and life is too short): 1. Donâ??t Be Shy (Girls donâ??t like shy guys) and donâ??t be too picky (remember, NO one is perfect. Don't stay in your room, Go out to meet people because life is too short to be a whimp. 2. Be Talkative (have a sense of humor (but not all the times ok)). Practicing at home by looking in the mirror, and use it when you are hanging out. If it is fail then at least you have tried and learn it and move on. Remember, the first and second time you will not be as smooth, but the 3rd and 4th times, you will get it. Donâ??t worry. Pick any girls on the street that you do not know and practice. You can also go on the internet to search for lines of how to pickup girls. 3. Donâ??t be too picky (Asian, White, Latino, Mix, Blacks are all good). Once you go inside, it feels the same (here go to met-art dot com to see it yourself) ; however, learn how to use protection Well. 4. Important*** MUST Learn to accept rejection well (say this to yourself, oh well, at least I have tried and move on since there r over 3 billion girls waiting for you to give them love. Remember, men greatest enemies are Anger, Fear, Greed and Temptation. Therefore, you must learn to act normal like nothing had happened when you get a rejection. 5. Donâ??t ever fight over a girl (there r over 3 billions girls/pussies in the world, u know what I mean). If she wants you, she will be with you. Donâ??t bother to get jealous over a girl and act stupid. 6. Do not let Ethnic Background RACE bother you. If you like any girls (any colors and background), then just make a move. First to give her a look in the eyes and if she gives you a positive look then approach her to try to have a smooth conversation. Sometimes a smooth casual conversation is good. If she gives you a hint that she is not interesting in you by saying oh I already have a boyfriend or married, back off a little and leave her some space. Ask her if she would like to be friend at least. If she still said no, thatâ??s ok move on and talk to other girls. Remember, the next time you see she her again, still act normal and still say HI to her. Donâ??t act like you are pissed off. In the long run, you will never know, one of these days she will change her mind. Most women like men with great/nice/humor/mature/sincere/passionate/charming/romantic personality. 7. If any Girls give you an attitude (stuck up, look down on you, bitchy, gold digger and so on), donâ??t worry just ignore her and go talk to any girl from a different race background to show her that she is ainâ??t all that. Rule of thumb, remember all Pussy are the same once you go inside. Donâ??t waste your time with stuck up/ cheap/ trash/ bitchy girls, it doesnâ??t matter how good she looks. 8. If your looks are not up there, you know that you have a lot of disadvantages. Therefore, you MUST go to the gym to work out and get bulk and to make your self look and feel better and be more confident. Remember usually handsome men do not have to work as hard as short and skinny men. However, if you have good career and a great personality, girls still fall for you. So donâ??t lose your confidents. 9. Be open minded, POSITIVE and down to earth, talk to all Races and Backgrounds (it doesnâ??t matter if female or male) on the street, at the gym, book stores, libraries, restaurants and so onâ?¦. People will perceive you in a good positive ways; therefore, you have build yourself a good reputation. Usually girls will fall for the popular guys. 10. You MUST be open minded and be POSITIVE at all times, do not let RACE interfere with your daily life. It doesnâ??t matter who is dating whom nowadays because it is all goods. You MUST learn to mix in with other cultures and other background ethnics. This is America, the land of Freedom (Melting Pots); therefore, you MUST LEARN to join the crowd (Asian, White, Blacks, Hispanics and so on) and share our differences and have some fun. 11. In conclusion, it is a time for CHANGE. Be POSITIVE and Mix in with the crowd and have some FUN. Who cares about RACE and Background Ethnics nowadays, the purpose that we are here on this planet is because god wants to see all human kind to get along and to live peacefully in harmony. 12. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope this message will somewhat help you to open up yourself better and to see a bigger picture in life. If you think this message helps you, please send this to your friends so they can also improving themselves. Remember it is a time for a CHANGE. 5pliments Every Woman Loves To Hear Words of appreciation spoken directly to your romantic partner go far in paving the way to a happy, healthy relationship. What is sometimes too easily forgotten: disagreements among couples (from trifling to serious) can nearly always be ovee with a few words of gratitude from a partner (a.k.a., a healthy dose of authenticpliments). But it takes more than a "Hey Baby, you're hot" to really win points with your partner here. These are the top fivepliments every woman loves to hear. If you can't remember the words verbatim, remember the key principles: appreciation, support and acceptance. This is the triage to a strong, lasting and powerful romantic endeavor. 1.You're Irreplaceable. This is a surefire way to light up your partnerâ??s eyes. Saying these words (with full eye contact, of course) lets the special one in your life know that you know who she is as a person and that you value her as a unique individual. Why is this so effective? Think about when you break up with someone and part ways. One of the worst ramifications of the break-up is finding out, via Facebook update or chattering among friends, that you've been replaced by someone new. On the flip side, hearing from your current partner that you're valued for more than what you look like scores big, meaningful points. 2. You bring light to my life. Yes, we know this sounds like a bit much. But bear with us and let us make one point: relationships can go off course when one or both partners takes for granted the contributions the other makes to their lives. Saying this shows that a man understands and remembers that a women chooses to be with her man and opts to give her energy and time to him. Showing he appreciates that she shares her life with him is symphonic to a woman's ears. If the word light is a tad too over-the-top for you try replacing it with happiness, joy, sunshineâ??whichever word you can say with genuine meaning. 3. You are perfect just the way that you are. This one takes the gold star award for ability to make a womanâ??s day, week, month or even year (if, that is, whenever she gets miffed at you for something small she recalls you saying this to her). Ingrid Michaelson sang it best with her lyrics to the song "The Way that I Am." If you really want to make your partner's day, we suggest e-mailing this song or youtube video to the woman you love. Deep, lasting love is unconditional. Showing that youprehend and embrace this idea will touch your partner way more than superficialments such as, "Your earrings are cute." Read: Dating A Golddigger 4. I love your (fill in the blank: bright eyes, cute toes, toned arms, sleek legs, silky hair). We did not mean to give the impression above that we women do not like to hear you notice when we put extra effort into looking foxy for our man. But whatâ??s key here is that what you say is genuine. Donâ??t just pick any random feature. Think about it. What is your partnerâ??s best physical attribute and why do you like it? Telling your partner this will show her you pay attention to details, and to her. 5. I am so proud of you. A big deal-breaker in any relationship can be supporting one anotherâ??s life goals or not. Paying attention to your partnerâ??s current goals she is working hard to achieve endear her to you for life. Whether it is paying off her credit card debt,pleting a class, putting in extra hours to earn a promotion or even trying to better balance her life, show your loving support for your women. Her heart will melt then and every time thereafter she remembers when you supported along the way to making things happen and brushing off when the chips are down. What women want from men 1. Respect. Show us through your actions that you respect our opinions, careers, interests, friends, bodies, and minds. You don't have to agree with all that we say or do, but try to honor our opinions as valuable contributions. Follow the golden rule and treat us as you would like to be treated: Be honest, fair, kind, and considerate. 2. Romance. It's another night on the couch with takeout and TiVo? Just because we're staying in doesn't mean the evening can't be romantic. Light a few candles and see where the night leads. Treat us like your girlfriend, even after we be your wife. Date nights, physical affection in the car, kissing like when we first started dating -- all of the things that made us fall in love with you don't have to stop just because now there are bills to pay, a house to be cleaned, and kids to be bathed. Bring home flowers for no reason. We're not talking $100 bouquets of roses here. Even the $10 bouquets from the supermarket are enough to make us smile. 3. Time. We understand relationships can't be all wine and roses; simply making the time to be with us and treating us like your top priority says "love" more than all the fancy gifts and lovely letters ever could. This includes helping around the house. The realities of a 21st-century relationship are that both partners probably work. If you happen to get home before we do, why not vacuum the living room or throw in a load of laundry? If you take the garbage out without being asked, chances are you'll be getting a big ole smooch when youe back. 4. Dinner. Of the homemade variety. You may not be good at cooking and you may not know how to boil water. But greeting us at the door after a long day with fish sticks (or whatever you can wrastle up) makes us swoon, because it shows that you've been thinking about us and our hectic day. 5.munication. Women are vocal creatures. We know you love us, but it's nice to hear you say it, too. We can also be insecure. We wish we weren't, but the reality is that we often notice our wobbly thighs and forget about our gorgeous eyes. So let us know when you think we're hot. Tell us we're beautiful. It helps us feel good. Words of appreciation aren't half-bad either. Tell us you love the lasagna we made. Notice that we cleaned the bathtub. It doesn't have to be over the top, just let us know that you see the effort we put in, and you're grateful. 6. Consistency. This doesn't mean be boring and predictable. It means that we know you will (usually -- no one is perfect!) give us the love and support we need. Knowing that you'reing at this with the same desires and energy as we are goes a long way to making us feel secure. 7. Engagement. Of the mental kind, not the "I'm getting married in the morning" kind. You don't have to like everything we like (we might be a little concerned if you do), but showing interest in our passions, be it career-related, a sport, or a hobby, goes a long way. Listen when we talk to you. We're not speaking just so we can hear our own voice; we want to connect with you and this is one valuable way we do this. This also means paying attention to the little things. Whether it's the name of your best friend's husband or the fact that you hate Nicolas Cage movies, it's the little things you remember about us that's so endearing. 8. Humor and Humility. These two tend to go hand in hand. This doesn't mean that you have to crack jokes or entertain us, but just being able to laugh at yourself is enough. Guys who take themselves too seriously bring everyone down. 9. Challenge. Not the kind that makes a relationship constant work, but the good kind that surprises and motivates us to do, be, or achieve what we desire. Studies show that partners who prod each other to meet goals -- in other words, don't support lazy or bad habits -- are ultimately happier than those who don't hold each other accountable. Last of all... this message is especially for an Asian guys, be open minded and start to ask white, hispanic, mix, blacks and other ethnic girls out... don't be shy and narrow minded...

Tro Lai | Goi Thu Den VietWhiteHot (ID: 844186)

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