TOMY TRAN - ID: 878709 |
Ten: | TOMY TRAN |
IP va Ngay: | on November 9, 2009 at 12:06am | Sua Chua Ngay: | November 10, 2009 at 7:43am | Gioi Tinh: | Nam | Tuoi: | 39 | Chieu Cao: | 5 Feet 11 Inches (180 cm) | Can Nang: | 180 lbs (82 kg) | Than Hinh: | Average |
Tu Thanh Pho: | Los Angeles | Tieu Bang: | California | Zip: | 2000 | Dat Nuoc: | United States |
Ton Giao: | Catholic |
Hoc Van: | Some college | Nghe Nghiep: | Business kinh doanh | Hut Thuoc: | Non-smoker |
Uong Ruou: | Light/social drinker |
Gia Canh: | Single | Muc Tieu: | Stay mentally and physicall healthy. Connect with people and always the student of life | Gio Ranh Roi: | Travel,tenic ,music , meeting interesting people, find new hole in the wall places. I'm a total foodies.... | Toi La: | Confident, mentally stimulating, creative, well traveled, witty, playful.... | Tim Kiem: | Cha toi la nguoi my ,me toi la nguoi viet nam , nen toi chi muon tim nguoi vo viet nam biet cham soc cho gia dinh .Khong phan biet tuoi tac .Toi chua ve Viet nam lan nao,toi rat muon co nguoi Vo viet nam tinh tinh de thuong , biet nau an ,yeu chong va thuong con giong me toi .Sorry toi chi muon duoc cac ban goi hinh that . Chi tra loi thu co anh ,nghiem tuc ,lich su , biet cach an mac de giao tiep khi gap doi tac lam an ,hop se tien xa hon .Thank you and good day . |
Tro Lai | Goi Thu Den TOMY TRAN (ID: 878709)